Information for patients

If you are a patient reading this and have a concern about an MRI scan you are scheduled to attend, we strongly recommend you contact the site where your scan is due to take place, you may also wish to refer to our ‘Information for Patients’ section. Please note local variations to the policies detailed on this website may apply, therefore please contact the hospital where your appointment is scheduled for clarification.

Disclaimer (MUST READ)

The MRI safety information contained within this webpage is intended for use by staff from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC) and associated health boards, namely: NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Borders, NHS Dumfries & Galloway, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Golden Jubilee, and NHS Lanarkshire. Only staff from these health boards are approved to use this information and local variations to the policies detailed may apply.  Non-approved users i.e. patients and staff from health boards other than those listed above, or staff from private medical organisations use this information at their own risk. We, NHS GGC, accept no responsibility for patient injury or adverse outcomes that may occur as a consequence of the information contained herein. If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact the NHS GGC MRI physics team on:​.

MRI safety status External fixation devices

Must read: What this policy does not cover / notable exceptions

This policy does not cover patients with internal fixation devices i.e. orthopaedic implants fixed to the bone and entirely held within the body.

Must read: What the policy covers

This policy considers 1.5T and 3T MRI scanning of patients with external fixation devices i.e. devices which are fixed to bone but also extend beyond the surface of the patient’s skin.

Must read: The MR safety policy

Until recently external fixation devices were considered to be a contraindication for MRI. However, there have recently been products brought onto the market which are MR Conditional. Therefore, if a patient presents for MRI with an external fixation device. The make and model of the fixation device must be established. The MRI safety status must then be confirmed e.g. from manufacturers instructions from use (IFU). If the External fixation device is MR Conditional, ensure you can satisfy the MR conditions for safe scanning before you proceed.

Guidance for all health professionals involved with patients with Hoffmann 3 devices having MRI scans can be found here. Extra care must be applied when determining the make and model of the external fixation device and the specific MR conditions. For example, the Standard Hoffmann 2 external fixation device is MR Unsafe, whereas, the Hoffmann 2 MRI and Hoffmann 3 MRI are MR Conditional.