Reporting MRI incidents and near misses

The reporting of near misses and incidents is an important part of ensuring continual improvement of processes and procedures such as to ensure the safety of patients, staff and other persons who may have cause to be in the clinical environment. MRI is no different.

Reporting incidents locally

Within NHS GGC, incidents and near misses must be reported using the Datix incident reporting system, a Datix incident form can be found by following the link below:


Once on Datix, MRI incidents can be selected by choosing ‘Category: MRI Safety’ and one of the agreed subcategories, see figure 1 below. Note that  MRI incidents that originate in a ward or with a referrer (e.g. a patient was referred with an MRI unsafe device) should be recorded by selecting the appropriate location.



Figure 1: Overview of how to record incidents or near misses on Datix (example shown is based on NHS GGC implementation)


Within NHS Forth Valley, incidents and near misses must be reported using the IR1 Safeguard incident reporting system, which can be found through StaffNet, with guidance available using the following link (internal access only): IR1 Guidance

Once on IR1, MRI incidents can be selected by choosing ‘Cause Group: MRI Safety’ and one of the agreed subcategories, see figure 2 below. Unlike for Datix (see above), note that all MRI IR1 reports should be logged within Radiology and then can be linked back to the source of the error.

Figure 2: Overview of how to record incidents or near misses on IR1 Safeguard (example shown is based on NHS Forth Valley implementation)

Reporting incidents nationally

As health is a devolved matter, it has been requested that we log incidents at a Scottish level using the IRIC (Incident reporting and investigation centre). To use this system you must first register by emailing: Incidents reported to IRIC will be passed onto the MHRA, the UK wide regulatory body, if deemed appropriate.

Guidance on using IRIC can be found here

To log onto IRIC click here

Reporting incidents UK wide

In keeping with the MHRA guidelines and our local rules for MRI, incidents can be reported on a UK wide basis. This can be done so by following the link here.