While there are some MR Unsafe cochlear implants the majority of devices are MR Conditional meaning that most patients will be able to undergo MRI safely. There is typically a degree of patient preparation involved in meeting the MR Conditional criteria. Guidance is provided for patients and parents or carers of patients with cochlear implants that have been referred for an MRI scan in the corresponding links.

In addition to the guidance from SCIP there are a number resources online (Youtube) from the manufacturers of the necessary patient preparation for MRI. Some of the resources are provided below. Be sure to follow the video that matches both the manufacturer and model of the device of your patient. If in any doubt, contact the manufacturer rep or MRI physics for support.

Clinical Scientists from the Scottish Cochlear Implant Programme (SCIP) at Crosshouse Hospital have written some guidance for MRI scanning of patients with cochlear implants, this includes their contact details. This was reviewed by NHS GGC MRI physics. The guidance can be found by following the link here: SCIP MRI cochlear implant guidance. Note that GGC SOP’s for MR scanning of patients with cochlear implants can be found on QPULSE (document ID MR-GGC-GUID-004 for kids and MR-GGC-GUID-005 for adults). 

Cochlear (Nucleus)

Med-El (Synchrony)

Med-El (Concerto, Sonato, Pulsar, C40+)
